Our Values

An inclusive and harmonious multicultural environment. Driven by the tide of globalization, people from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds have become increasingly close, making multicultural environment an inevitable trend. All ethnic groups should respect one another and work together to create a fair, harmonious and inclusive environment, so that the concept of cultural inclusion and ethnic diversity become core values.


We always treat our partners with respect, and base our actions on the core values of multiculturalism, equality and inclusiveness. We are committed to a "lifelong growth plan" aimed at cultivating a new generation of language talents. We aim to nurture diversified human resources, so as to promote equality and ensure we deliver the very best globalized work. The global language talent co-construction model and a multicultural office environment encourage us to celebrate our differences, and realize the benefits they bring about. We believe that inclusivity promotes more sustainable economic growth and helps achieve broader prosperity. Through creating an inclusive workplace, we aim to attract, develop and retain a highly skilled, highly diverse workforce.


We are sympathetic to every client's demand, and we believe that only with trust, communication and cooperation can we create meaningful changes. We aim to attract diversified talents from all over the world. No matter where you come from, we will deliver completely equal development opportunities. Our love for language and our central mission of fostering better understanding around the world have helped us create strong partnerships with more and more language workers around the world. Our internal, external and employee relations are based on teamwork. All of our departments help each other, so that our enterprise can develop smoothly.We recognize the efforts and contributions of every employee, and provide a fair platform for performance. It is this close partnership that brings us together. We are committed to creating a life of harmonious community, healthy social relations and ecological environment. Through the combination of human wisdom and technology, we aim to create sustainable value and exert a strong positive influence through all the work we do.


We respect cultural differences as opportunities. Diversified cooperation and cultural integration are two of our core corporate values. We build trust with partners and clients from all cultural backgrounds and regions, so we can share in the opportunities brought by international development. Starting from a point of respect for cultural diversity, we sincerely communicate with language workers in many countries and regions around the world, building networks of trust. Our goal is to allow our employees and global cooperative language workers to always maintain their passion for languages, and to take pride in harmonious cross-cultural cooperation.

Respecting cultural diversity is not only a basic requirement for development,

but the only path to truly globalized prosperity.

The human world is colorful because diversity exists.

Tolerance and mutual respect are the only way to access the value of cultural exchange, and continually learn from one another.