
Work/Life Balance Plans

Our mission is to achieve the material and spiritual happiness of our employees. We believe that a healthy balance between work and life is the foundation of physical and mental health, and the path to a calm and content life. We have set up a series of balance plans for our employees to integrate more fun into their work and help them keep life meaningful.

Fantastic activities

Rowing club

Rowing has a history of more than 200 years. As one of the most teamwork-reliant sports in existence, it allows participants to discover their potential and chase progress again and again in competition.

We strongly advocate the spirit of sports, which allows us to better ourselves, and learn to be gracious in victory and defeat.

Baseball club

Baseball, which originated in the 15th century, is a sport that emphasizes etiquette and mutual respect. We truly believe in the influence of the "baseball spirit" on our work teams.

From the spirit of sacrifice advocated in tactics to the competition culture of never bullying the weak, we can always find a deeper spiritual meaning and sense of social responsibility from the sport. We believe that the power of teamwork and efficient cooperation can change the world. Even doing something as simple as pitching, you must rely on your teammates to catch and pass. No matter how strong you are as an individual, you must take turns to bat. It is not possible to pass the ball to the best player at a crucial moment every time, just like football or basketball.

The final base in baseball is called "home". Compared with the tension of basketball or football, some say that baseball has more of a warm atmosphere, which is what we value.

A sense of ritual

Behind any given ritual often lies a deep, positive meaning. We use the ritual of sport as something small that says something big: that our days together are worth looking forward to. We want to give our love and time to those things and people we care about. With rituals, we are saying that every moment is worth spending carefully.

Extraordinary office experience

  • The 4+1 work week

    We advocate creating value without boundaries, so our employees can switch work scenarios on demand.The 4+1 work week provides more possibilities for our work scenarios. We believe that this is a future office trend and a win-win path for enterprises and their employees.
  • "Third Space" offices

    We try our best to provide employees with a highly comfortable and creative office environment. This is a new kind of space that integrates office space, areas to rest, and areas for communication and entertainment. This aims to satisfy all employee needs, both imaginative and creative, making the workplace more dynamic.A good office space provides not only an area, but also an experience.
  • An environment of mutual respect and communication

    We advocate that every employee's voice should be heard. We respect every employee's ideas, and do not judge or criticize.Personalized employee development We encourage employees to pursue their own goals. We pay attention to the value created by every employee, and do our best to provide a free platform for employees to perform at their best, whatever that looks like. As we work towards mutual achievements, we value trust, mutual feedback, and the creation of mutual opportunities.

Open up a limitless future

We're excited to be able to share the happiness of a healthy work/life balance with you! Fancy a game of baseball? Like the sound of our work/life balance rituals? Want to know what a Third Space office feels like? Like the sound of a workplace where you can say whatever you want? Get in touch with us!